The New Leaders Council in San Diego.

Training the next generation of political entrepreneurs.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

NLC Institute 2010 – Life Entrepreneurship Program

The New Leaders Council of San Diego (NLC) held its first Institute session on the weekend of January 30th and 31st, 2010.

The weekend’s training included a two-day “Life Entrepreneurship Program” (ELP) for the NLC Fellows. The ELP system has participants investigate their various strengths, values, and purposes. They write out a “mission statement” for their life, and imagine the sort of life plan they see for themselves. Fellows then get more practical and outline the interim steps they need to take to reach their ultimate goals.

The purpose of the ELP program is severalfold. The program helps Fellows examine what’s actually important to them, to explore and reinforce their commitment to progressive values. The ELP also serves an important function in leadership development, which is a primary goal of the NLC. The ELP is a mechanism for individuals to take concrete planning steps to advance their own careers, so that they can be in positions of influence to make change in their communities.

The ELP program is developed by New Mountain Ventures, and is based on the book “Life Entrepreneurs”.

The NLC hosted two high-level guest speakers from San Diego. State Senator Christine Kehoe welcomed the Fellows and led a discussion about her own career in politics, and where the Fellows think San Diego and the nation is headed.

Lorena Gonzalez, the Secretary-Treasurer of the San Diego and Imperial County Labor Council lead a lunchtime discussion about the nature of progressive values. She helped Fellows identify the distinction between their “values” and the specific policy “issues” they support. Her basic thesis was that Progressives believe that government is able to address the social and economic issues facing society.

After the first day of training, the Fellows retired to Mosaic Wine Bar in North Park for a mixer, and some good cheer with members of the Advisory Board of the NLC in San Diego.

The first day of training was hosted by Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside Counties, and the second day was hosted by the San Diego LGBT Community Center. These are two of the many organizations that have lent advice, support, staff and other resources to help the NLC launch here in San Diego.